f distribution中文什么意思

发音:   用"f distribution"造句
f 分布
  • f:    F,F/f, f/,f., f: e ...
  • distribution:    n. 1.分配,分发,配给;分配装置 ...
  • f-distribution:    f分布:两个独立正态分布的样本方差量 ...
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  1. This paper analyses deeply certain properties of special function , and uses these properties to discuss the relation between the positions of f distribution density curves with different parameters
  2. Results show that the distributions of the permeability coefficient and anti - permeability strength are all subject to lognormal distribution , normal distribution , extremum i distribution and f distribution , and the lognormal distribution has the best fitting effect
  3. ( 3 ) how to design the bayesian test method about the parameter ' s linear hypothesis according to the relationship between the multivariate t distribution and f distribution . ( 4 ) the bayesian diagnosis and unit root test method about the random error series . ( 5 ) the bayesian mean value quality control chart when the variance is known and the mean value - standard error control chart when the variance is unknown


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